Tutorial 01: Flower Embroidery/ Thread Painting/ Silk shading a flower petal (Photos & Video)

You can either follow the step by step instructions with photos or see the video. Petals and flower are most typically stitched with long & short satin stitches.  
  • Anchor 144 (light blue)
  • Anchor 145 (light blue)
  • Anchor 146 (light blue)
  • Anchor 410 (vivid blue)

Step by step instructions
1. Draw with a pencil the shape of the petal. Petals most often taper towards the center of the flower. Draw also some guidelines from the outer outline towards the center. 
2. Outline the edges of the shape with split stitch. Use 2 strands of the lightest shade. The split stitch will form the foundation for the short and long stitches. 
split stitch

3. The petal will be filled with long and short stitches. Thread the needle with the lightest shade of thread. Use 6-strand thread. Start from the center tip of the petal and work towards one side. Bring the needle up through point (1) and down over the split stitch line through point (2). Passing the thread over the split stitch will ensure a neat even edge. 
petal, stitching, flower, embroidery, satin stitch, shading, thread painting

4. Bring the needle to the front through point (3) and to the back through point (4) passing over the split stitch line. The long stitches should be appriximatelly 7-8mm in length and the short stitches about half to three quarters of the long stitches.

5. Add an extra small stitch occasionally to adapt to the shape of the petal.

6. Subtly alter the direction of stitches to follow the curve of the petal. Do not make all the stitches the same length. Vary the length to achieve a more natural look.
painting, embroidery, thread, flower, petal, stitching

7. After completing the one side stitch the other side. Start from the center towards the other side.

8. Take the next darkest shade of 6-strand thread to work the second row. You will stitch only long stitches. Again start from the center outwards to the sides. Bring the needle from back to front through point (a) splitting the edges of the previous stitches. Actually this is the secret that makes colors blend. Bring the needle to the back through point (b).

9. Continue in this way stitching only long stitches. Note that you must vary the length of long stitches to give a more natural and blended look.
thread painting, flower, embroidery, stitching

10. Take the next darkest shade of 6-strand thread to work the third row. Again start from the center outwards to the sides spliting the previous stitches.
petal, flower, shading, silk shading, thread shading, painting, threads, embroidery, painting

11. Take the last thread an stitch the heart of the flower. You might need to do extra stitches to fill any empty spaces.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you. The pictures were super helpful. Good tutorial.
