Pattern design: drawing borders from repeating units

The basic mechanism of the pattern is the repetition of a single unit at equal intervals. In case of border design, the repetitions usually takes place either in the horizontal or in vertical direction.
The distance between the units is probably the strongest factor that affects the appearance of the pattern. 
To understand the role of the distance in pattern design, do the following exercise.

1. Draw a simple shape, for example, two concentric circles. 

2. Copy the shape horizontally and keep the edges of the outer circles joined together. 

3. Copy the unit again, overlapping the shapes and joining each time the outer circle with the inner circle. 

4. Copy the unit, increasing the inbetween distance, leaving an empty space between the outer circles. 

 5. Copy the shapes horizontally, joining the edge of the outer circle with the center of the inner circle.

6. Experiment one more time and make a dense pattern.

Each of the above repetitions, results in a complete different pattern. For example the second border could be developed into a chain. 

You can copy and mirror the chain drawing a more complicated border.

Develop further the double chain.

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