4 strand braid

Braids can be used to make purse handles, belts, frindges, to decorate a garment etc. The 3 strand braid is easy to do, but the 4 strand braid is wider and more impressive. Braids can be made from leather, ribbon, knitting yarn, rope, or even from strips of fabric or old clothing. 
braid how to, braid tutorial, 4 strand braid, braiding tutorial

1. Cut 4 pieces of yarn or rope, and hold them together in an object that will stay stable. You can use for example a pole or a pencil held by an assistant. You can also tie the yarn together with a knot, and pin down the end of the loop.braiding tutorial, braiding how to, braiding instructions, braid with 4 strands, braid with 4 colors

2. Bring the yellow strand over the red strand and the green strand over the blue strand. 

3. Cross the new center strands left over right or in other words bring the red strand over the green strand. 

4. Repeat step (2). Bring the blue strand over the red and the green over the yellow

5. Repeat step (3). Cross the new center strands left over right. In other words bring the yellow strand over the blue strand. 

6. Continue working the same way until the braid is finished. 

Make a 4 strand braid, using several strands of knitting yarn. 
1. At first you have to think about the final length of the braid. If you want to make a purse hanlde measure another purse's handle, if you want to make a belt measure your waist. Then add about one third of that length. Finally double the total to find out your cutting lenght.
Cutting lenght= (length+ 1/3 length) x 2.
Cut your strands as per measurements. For this project, they were cut 24 strands of knitting yarn but the more strands you use the thicker the braid will be. Cut same number of strands of each color. 
knitting yarn, strands of knitting yarn
24 strands of knitting yarn. 6 strands of each color. 

2. Fold the strands in half and hook them in an object that will stay stable, for example in a broomstick. 

3. Tie a knot before starting the braiding to hold the strands together. If you have four different colors you can seperate the strands by color. If you have more than four colors of if you have only one color, you can divide the strands so that each grouping to be the same thickness.

4. Bring the blue strand over the yellow, and the red strand over the green.

5. Cross the new center strands left over right or in other words bring the green over the blue. 

6. Repeat step (4) and bring the yellow strand over the green and the blue over the red. 

7. Repeat step (5) and bring the red strand over the yellow.

8. Repeat step (4) and bring the green strand over the red and the yellow over the blue.

8. Repeat step (5) and bring the blue strand over the green. 

9. Continue braiding the same way. Bring the red strands over the blue, and the green strands over the yellow. 

10. Bring the yellow strands over the red. 
braiding tutorial, braid how to, braiding tutorial, braiding how to, 4 strands braid, 4 color braid

11. Bring the blue over the yellow strands and the red over the green strands. 

12. Bring the green strands over the blue. 

13. Continue braiding the same way until about 5'' (12 cm) from the end. Tie the end an dremove the braid from the broomstick. Cut the loop with sciccors to make a tassel. 

14. The 4-strand braid is ready. 
4 strand braid, 4 color braid, knitting yarn braid


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the very clear tutorial. I am making a bread braid and 4 strands are suggested. I have never done 4 strands before, but I am quite sure I can do it using your tutorial.
