Pattern development / Experimenting with tonal values

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Tonal values / Hand embroidery 
Tone is how dark or light a color is. There are many ways to achieve tonal values in painting and sketching. But what about embroidery?
There are several methods to create the effect of tonal grading with thread and one of them is the method of pattern development.  

Creating a grading pattern with the method of pattern development. 

Step 1.
Take a graph paper or draw a grid on a piece of paper.
 Draw a simple unit of pattern (for example a square or a line) at the bottom row of the grid. Copy the pattern along the entire row. 
create a pattern, draw a pattern, pattern on grid, how to draw a pattern

Step 2. Copy the same pattern at the second row but this time add more detail.
pattern drawing, pattern design, pattern on grid

Step 3. Copy the pattern at the third row and add more detail.
draw pattern, how to draw pattern, decorative designs, geometric decorative design

Step 4. Repeat the process, creating gradually a more dense and complicated pattern. 

Another example of pattern development on canvas
Step 1: Draw a simple shape at the bottom line of the grid paper. Develop gradually the pattern by adding more detail in a rather asymmetrical way.
abstract pattern, tonal values pattern, geometric pattern, geometric abstraction

Step 2: Transfer the pattern to the fabric with carbon paper. Alternatively, you can pin the paper and the fabric together and stitch them together. 

Step 3: Stitch with red cotton thread both the paper and the fabric, using the double running stitch. 
textile design, fabric design

Step 4: When complete the stitching, soak the fabric and the paper in warm water for some time. Scrub gently with a soft detergent (shampoo) to help the paper decompose. Note, that it is rather difficult to remove the paper entirely without destroying the stitches.
embroidery, redwork, hand embroidery, contemporary embroidery, modern embroidery, fiber arts, textile art, textile design, textile patterns
Redwork/ Tonal values in embroidery
embroidery, hand embroidery, contemporary embroidery, nodern embroidery, textile arts, textile design

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