3-dimensional structures by Pippa Andrews

Pippa Andrews uses textile techniques to make 3-dimensional structures derived from organic and architectural forms. Frames, bridges, shelters, building facades, free-standing structures and cityscapes are probably the main source of inspiration for her work. 
  • Hand printed fabric with channels sewn into it to hold painted wooden rods. The artwork was made it when the artist was researching ways to make a three dimensional forms that could be stored as a flat fabric. This is why this individual piece seems like a study on tents or ephemeral shelters. 

fabric shelter, textile shelter, architectural model, textile art, 3d textile art, textile artist, textile 3d, 3d fabric art, textile installations, art intsallations,

  • Standard quilt: tumbling blocks/ The repetitive pattern resembles the frame of a building facade. In fact a lot of her inspiration comes from the forms of modern buildings, both the 'normal' office facades of steel and glass grids and more recent biomorphic forms particularly those with tensile membrane structures.
textile art. 3d art, wall hanging, pippa andrews

  • Spikes and spots, lime/ A free-standing structure made of beads and sticks. 
bead art, art with beads,

  • Silver bowl/ 
3d art

  • An organic form resembling a shell.
textile art, textile artists, 3d textile art, 3d fabric art

Pippa Andrews is a member of Material Space group, a group of 4 textile artists who create abstract, often 3-dimensional work. 

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